Sponsor A Dog
Thanks for clicking! Below you can find the dogs available for sponsorship!
Each dog costs the shelter around 45 euros every month that they're in the shelter and we are taking in new arrivals all the time. These costs do not include emergency vet bills. Please help us by giving what you can on to cover these costs. That way we can take in new pups off the street or rescue them from horrible living conditions. Every dog deserves a happy life in their forever home. Thank you so much for visiting our website and for supporting us in our mission.
Have you seen a dog on our instagram page or on the website, who you would like to sponsor, but isn't listed here? Then let us know!
You can use the form at the bottom of this page to tell us which dog you would like to sponsor.
We are still building up our sponsor platform.
Have you seen a dog on our website not listed here, that you would like to sponsor?
Fill out the form below to let us know and our sponsorship lead will set this up for you!