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Geslacht: Teefje / Leeftijd: 2 jaar (januari 2025) / Formaat: Klein
🐾 Playful, cheerful, nervous
💥Energy level: medium-high
🐈 Not good with cats
🐕 Good with most other dogs
👶 Needs a calm home, not suited to a home with children
👽 Shy around new people
❄ What makes Kika special: Kika can jump can jump a metre in the air! She will excitedly jump up and down in front of her kennel door hoping to be let out for a walk.
We rescued Kika from the government shelter after the 'Massacre Law' came into effect in the Summer of 2024. Poor Kika has been through a lot.. She most likely had a home before, but was abandoned and ended up in the government shelter. Unable to fend for herself, she was attacked by larger dogs and was bitten, but she survived. She was moved to a different kennel, and just as she thought she was safe, she became ill and with no treatment available in the shelter, she became weaker and weaker and thinner and thinner until she was a walking skeleton.. Thankfully, we found her in time and she made a full recovery!
After all she has been through, poor Kika is a very nervous dog. She finds life in the busy, chaotic Melez enclosure very stressful and is extremely overstimulated. Her stress and insecurity cause her to feel frustrated and she is full of nervous, hyper energy. Kika rarely sits still and is constantly on alert.
Although we have never seen Kika fully relax, she does show us glimpses of the sweet personality that lies underneath all her nervous behaviour. Kika is a cheerful dog who really enjoys being active and is happiest when she is being taken out for walks. She loves being out in nature and our short walks are never long enough, she would love to explore as much as possible! She is very focused on all the smells around her and isn't scared of loud noises or passing traffic. However, she does get startled by passers by and might act defensive if caught off guard by someone walking past.
Kika is also a very loving, affectionate dog, but she still needs to learn to truly let her guard down around people. She is initially shy around strangers, but it only takes her a few minutes to warm up to people and within no time she is happily coming up for cuddles. She doesn't let her guard down completely though, and if a sudden movement scares her, she will run off to hide and may bark. We can tell she really wants to be able to forge a strong bond with people, and she tries to interact with us often, even when there is a lot going on around her. She is always so happy to see us when we arrive in the enclosure! She seeks reassurance from people and wants to be around you as much as she can, but she isn't yet 100% sure whether she can trust people enough to let her guard down completely.
Kika gets along well with the other dogs in her kennel, but can act defensively when she gets too overstimulated. We think she would be happiest as the only dog in the home, or with another, stable, social, confident dog.
Kika will need calm, confident and patient adopters, who can help her truly decompress after everything she has been through. She will need her adopters' guidance to help feel safe and at ease. This may take a while, but she will be the most grateful, loyal dog once she realises she is finally home!
By adopting Kika, you will truly be saving her life. After all she has been through, she deserves to be able to experience a care-free, happy, peaceful life. Could you be the one to show her she is finally safe?
Kika is op dit moment in Turkije en is klaar om te reizen naar de EU of het VK.
Al onze honden worden voor vertrek gechipt, geneutraliseerd, gevaccineerd, ontwormd, ontvlooid en getest op hartworm, Ehrlichia, Leishmania en Anaplasma. Voordat ze op reis gaan krijgen alle honden een gezondheidscontrole. Indien nodig worden hun tanden gereinigd en worden er röntgenfoto's gemaakt van mogelijke probleemgebieden. Alle (potentiële) gezondheidsproblemen waar we van op de hoogte zijn, worden vooraf gecommuniceerd.
Huisbezoek, adoptiecontract en adoptiekosten zijn van toepassing.
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